New Releases for May and June

We’re pleased to release two new books this May and June— You’re a Star, Lolo by Niki Daly and Madame LIvingstone by Christophe Cassiau-Haurie, Barly Baruti, and Ivanka Hahnenberger. Both books are available through your favorite bookseller, and right here on our site


In May, we released You’re a Star, Lolo, the third book in author/illustrator Niki Daly’s Lolo series for beginning readers. The book was praised in a starred review from Kirkus, “[D]rawn tenderly and told in a way that honors the characters and their culture. Another winning addition—Lolo is indeed a star!”

You’re a Star, Lolo joins Here Comes Lolo and Hooray for Lolo in the Lolo series of books that introduce young readers to the adventurous and fun-loving Lolo who lives in South Africa with her mother and grandmother. Make sure to also check out all of the educational resources for the series including teaching guides, activity pages, a read-along with the author, and more!



This week saw this release of Madame Livingstone, a graphic novel set in World War 1 Congo. Written by Christophe Cassiau-Haurie, illustrated by Barly Baruti, and translated by Ivanka Hahnenberger this story of adventure and friendship finds Belgian pilot Gaston Mercier teamed with a local guide, an enigmatic man nicknamed Madame Livingstone. Together, the pair set out on a nearly impossible mission: finding and sinking a critical German warship, the Graf Von Götzen. Little by little as the war between Belgian and German colonial powers rages on, Mercier learns more about the land around him, and discovers the irrevocable and tragic effects of colonialism on the local people.


This Week in Literary News: Week of October 18

The world of publishing went digital this year, as publishing events around the world were cancelled one by one. We all hope next year we will get to return to in-person events. Fall regional trade shows for booksellers were largely digital as well, as Publishers Weekly reports, with California booksellers especially grateful: “Beset by unprecedented fires and seven months of pandemic disruption, the virtual setup allowed California booksellers to participate without having to attempt near-impossible travel.” The online format is not without its perks however. Authors from around the world are able to participate in online events without the expense of travel and without the added stress of getting a visa to travel to the U.S. (not always granted.) For Catalyst, this may give us the opportunity to showcase our authors from the continent of Africa. Publishing will eventually return to its preferred in-person events but perhaps we’ll always retain an allowance, even an appreciation for, digital appearances by authors otherwise unable to appear in person.

Publishers Weekly also reports on an important collaboration between Freebird Books in NYC and Books Through Bars, which puts books in the hands of prisoners. The Covid-related lockdown in prisons around the country has made prisoners more “desperate” for books and demand has grown this past year. Graphic novels are especially popular, according to one of the volunteers: “We receive letters that tell us that the comics and graphic novels remind [inmates] of home and childhood. They also serve as an entry point to read other books and serve as part of the educational mission of Books Through Bars.” Hear hear for graphic novels all around! Continue reading “This Week in Literary News: Week of October 18”

Q&A with Niki Daly

This Q&A was done by our intern Naomi Valenzuela. Naomi is from Phoenix, Arizona and El Paso, Texas, and is majoring in Creative Writing and minoring in English & American Literature at the University of Texas, El Paso, with plans of working in the publishing business after graduation. You can find other author Q&As here.

This month, we have not one but two marvelous releases from award-winning author Niki Daly: Here Comes Lolo and Hooray for Lolo. The Lolo series introduces us to Lolo, a generous and artistic South African girl. Lolo always finds adventures, even in the most mundane situations. With her mother and grandmother by her side, Lolo is ready to take on anything. Children will love these stories as Booklist mentions in their review, “With a simply written, graceful text and gray-scale pictures on nearly every page, these appealing stories are just right for children moving from beginning readers to chapter books.”

Niki Daly is not only the author, but also the illustrator of these two books. Daly is a South African, author-illustrator, well-known throughout the world with a great number of children’s books written, and several awards won. Some of these books include Not So Fast Songololo, with awards in South Africa and the U.S., and Why the Sun and the Moon Live in the Sky.

In this author Q&A, we talked to Niki about his inspirations when creating Lolo, how his childhood influenced his writing, and his advice for future writers.

Continue reading “Q&A with Niki Daly”