This Week in Literary News, Week of February 23

Our weekly round-up of literary news here at Catalyst and beyond, is brought to you by our intern Naomi Valenzuela. Naomi is from Phoenix, Arizona and El Paso, Texas, and is majoring in Creative Writing and minoring in English & American Literature at the University of Texas, El Paso, with plans of working in the publishing business after graduation.

Global Lit in Libraries co-founder and translator Rachel Hildebrandt Reynolds (L) and Jessica Powers

Our own Jessica Powers attended the PubWest conference this year where representation in publishing was one of the biggest subjects discussed. Read more about the conference and what Jessica had to say on these topics at Publishers Weekly.

Last week, we shared an article on giving books to local prisons. This week, NPR has an article discussing censorship implemented in prisons on certain types of literature, many having themes around race and criminal justice.

In global news, the Coronavirus has been affecting many different industries. LitHub takes a look at its effects on the publishing industry, more specifically the Italian publishing industry.

To all the book-loving introverts, Book Riot has some tips on joining book clubs, stepping out of your comfort zone, and surviving these get-togethers.

Looking for different ways to get kids more involved with reading? Brightly has a fun reading challenge for children for the upcoming month of March that will keep them engaged!

Electric Lit has an interview with Anastacia-Renée, JP Howard, t’ai freedom ford, and Safiya Sinclair, four black women poets discuss a range of topics, from political writing to their inspirations.

The Guardian has an interesting book list: from Alice in Wonderland to The Haunting of Hill House, a perspective on what happens when imaginary friends follow you past your childhood.

At Kirkus Reviews, they reviewed our upcoming releases by Niki Daly, Here Comes Lolo and Hooray for Lolo, and had many great things to say about Lolo and her adventures!

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