Read Palestine Week

It’s rare that two weeks centered on powerful writing from outside of the US happen at the same time. But this is one of those times. From November 29 – December 5, Publishers for Palestine hosts #ReadPalestine Week, encouraging “people around the world to read fiction and poetry by Palestinian and Palestinian diaspora authors, as well as nonfiction about Palestinian history, politics, arts, culture, and life, as well as books about organizing, resistance, and solidarity for a Free Palestine.”

Though we don’t specifically publish Palestinian authors (at least not yet), as a publisher who works with writers who have often been displaced, had history and war constantly shifting the ground beneath them, we understand the motivation. These writers, despite it all, still reach for words, still need to tell their stories. We wanted to do what we could to both participate and acknowledge the work of the #ReadPalestine Week organizers.

In 2012, Catalyst founder and author, Jessica Powers compiled and edited an anthology called That Mad Game: Growing Up in A Warzone. First published through Cinco Puntos Press and now available through Lee & Low Books, the book features seventeen essays from writers across the world, each examining the impact of war on children.

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