9 Catalyst Books to Celebrate Earth Day

Today is Earth Day, an annual event that encourages us to not just acknowledge this beautiful spinning rock we call home, but to think deeply about the ways that our actions— big and small— affect it. As big and vast as the planet is, it still needs our protection, our care, and our concern.

Though reading isn’t the same as activism, it is a powerful first step to help us make sense of the world we live in and why it’s so important to protect. With that in mind, here are nine books from our catalog that examine some of the perils of climate change, the diversity of plant and animal life, the effects of colonialism on the environment, and more. From fantasy/sci-fi, to graphic novels, to essays, these Catalyst books will help you connect to our precious planet. You can purchase all of our titles at our IndiePubs site!

Reading Naturally

It’s Earth Day! We’ve only got the one planet, and today (and every day) is a good day to reflect on the ways we can make it better— today and tomorrow. We have a few books, for readers of all ages, that tackle some of our biggest environmental issues from a variety of perspectives. And if you keep reading, you’ll also get a peek at some forthcoming titles that also explore our connection to the natural world.

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