Author Q&A with Disruption: New Short Fiction from Africa Authors

We are so excited to be the North American publisher for Disruption: New Short Fiction from Africa. This thought-provoking anthology is the latest collection from Short Story Day Africa, a non-profit established to develop and share the diversity of Africa’s voices through publishing and writing workshops. And though we usually do author Q&As for our new releases, because this release features 21 authors, we’ve decided to do something a little different.

We’ve talked to some of the Disruption authors, and asked them to share some thoughts about why they write. What compels them to fill blank pages with words, images, scenes, and dialogue. What keeps them writing when it’s hard, when it feels like the words won’t come, when that story you need to tell just won’t let you go. And they answered. With thoughtful, smart, inspiring statements about what keeps them going (Responses have been edited for clarity)

Disruption: New Short Fiction from Africa, edited by Jason Mykl Snyman, Karina M. Szczurek, and Rachel Zadok is out now. Order your copy here. Continue reading “Author Q&A with Disruption: New Short Fiction from Africa Authors”